Sunday, 16 November 2008

CN-2 portions for third internals

We were given two options for the third internals, Module 1 and 2 as listed below

Module 1:

2)Beyond best effort: Different scenarios
3)Internet Radio
4)Scheduling and policing mechanisms
5)Video on Demand (Previously this was written as 'Voice on demand' as mentioned in the list given to me- the confusion is now sorted out)
6)RSA Algorithm
7)DES [Data Encryption Standard]

Module 2:

1)Security in Computer Networks
2)Network Management

After a general, informal discussion among class members, it was decided that we would opt for Module 1 over a popular opinion that said:
-->It included portions concerned for the first 6 questions that we would attempt during the main exam
-->Module 2 would NOT come in handy for our preperations for the main exam

This decision has been conveyed to the faculty. However, if you feel you have not been able to make your opinion count, you can contact the C.Rs, in case a considerable number of students want to opt for Module 2 , a new decision can be made.

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