Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Some important questions in C# and .Net

According to group discussions over C# and .Net, the following questions were marked as very important in view of the exams. It is not necessary that these are the only important questions, but it is suggested that you give good weight-age for them during preparations:

1)Explain the steps to run a C# compiler using command-line compiler and also IDE

2)Write short notes on:
a)Documentary code via XML
b)The command line debugger
c)C# processor directives
d)Solution Explorer

3)Explain the implicit & explicit interfaces in C# with examples

4)Define interfaces in C#.
How will you contrast interfaces with abstract classes?
What is the roles of explicit casting the "AS" keyword and "IS" keyword in obtaining interfaces references?
Explain with relevant code and example

5)Explain how to create an interface with multiple base interfaces

6)Write short notes on Icloneable interfaces with example

7)Breifly explain the system collection namespaces
Explain the interfaces of system.collections and the class type of system.collections

8)Breifly discuss IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces with example

If you feel any topic is left out among the very important ones, you can make your suggestion in the form of comments or to me, it will be reviewed and added here.

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